All in a Cloud of Gnats


So here you are,

burnt and bitten,

sat on some dirt pile

in no particularly special place.

Though what a view there is,

soaring grey and frozen in salient sky.

The water green blue extends before you

it is frigid, welcoming

your first step in to dodge the regret of not taking it,

the second in unexpected embrace of the cool blue arms.

Some memory here,

your mother holding your head.

tilted up, gasping to catch the air.

loved voices calling you in

algae slick stones evade and ambush underfoot

a shaking breath enters as you begin to sink your head.

All around

darkness and noise

the icy roar in your ears,

the familiar vegetal taste crossing your lips

twisting, pulling

every worldly sense filled and overwhelmed

by a shock of humble water, in no place in particular


It is quite the view

Turning now, to steal a look at the shore

a lone shimmering Aspen, towering overhead.

all around it, a cloud of noise.

Gnats, thousands or more.

surrounding and inhabiting each branch, each leaf.

an aura,

swarming, buzzing overhead,

each in perfect randomness, jerking back and forth, touching the water, greeting your ears.

Together, an entrancing pulsing body.

up then down. out and in.

modulating their droning song in symphonic synchronization.

some forgotten rythm,

a lost Mecca of life and meaning

stranded on a pile of rocks in the cold blue green.

You are burned now, and bitten.

but there are reasons for these voyages we take.

A towering grey Face in the distance

Wading into a cool mountain lake

Watching the gnats swarm round the trees

A few moments of severe multitudinous beauty

at once Entropy's proud rejection and shining, buzzing, redemption.

Hearing the infinite hum of countless random voices, and feeling, though only for a second,

You are humming too.


The Graduate and the Aquarium of Expectation


Human Nature and Private Space